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Bob's Party

For fifteen years Bob and I have hosted a holiday party for his staff. We love doing it and have a great time planning the menu and preparing the food. Since it is an adults only party, we feel free to use any liquor we choose in the preparation! Sometimes even while we are making it! ;-)

In all this time we have never photographed the food! Here is our "spread" of food and drink!

We make this simple punch: a bottle of champagne to a large can of frozen pink lemonade. We went through four bottles of champagne! This is very popular!

Bob's staff loves wine. We went through ten bottles, mostly red. I saved the bottles for my bottle tree!

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  1. Anonymous4:23 PM

    The food looks yummy Terri. Best wishes for a fabulous Christmas for you all!

  2. I'm thinking you guys are very popular!
    Looks yummy!

  3. Wish that I were on Bob's staff...I'm quite certain that I could use some pink lemonade. :D

    You're looking marvelous, my friend. I hope to catch up with you very soon.

    A wonderful Christmas to you and Bob and your daughter and hubby.

  4. I'd like to see the photos of the staff AFTER consuming all that wine;)
    You're making me hungry again:)

  5. OK, can I work for Bob? I don't want to actually do anything. I just want to do enough to get invited to the party. Yum.

  6. Oooohhh Terri! Sweetie, everything looks absolutely delicious! What good, kind and generous people you and Bob are. I knew I liked you the moment I "met" you! Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year!
    Love and hugs.......
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

  7. You are all amazing!! Lucky staff!
    Christmas with all of you must be Heavenly!

  8. Yum~the shrimp are calling my name.

    May the peace of the season be yours.

  9. Those little wraps look out of this world! Bob did an amazing job!


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