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Say Goodbye to "My Girls" Party!

With my bottle tree!
Joey and Charlotte
Marsha and Tambra

Last night my friends Marsha, Charlotte, Joey and Tambra took me to Arris Cafe to enjoy a Say Goodbye to "My Girls" party! We had fabulous food and a great time together. We laughed and joked and ate and drank (lots of good wine!). Then, they all surprised me with a bottle tree. Tambra owns a machine shop and had her guy Kevin make it for me. TOO COOL. I have wanted a bottle tree for ever. I have had them save pretty bottles for me as long as I have known each of them. Now I have a place to display them!

I love my girlfriends!

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  1. Anonymous4:25 AM

    You are blessed with wonderful friends Terri! I am interested in seeing this bottle tree. I hope you have a nice Autumn day.

  2. How very awesome!
    You all look like you
    had a great time!

    Becky K.

  3. Wow. A bottle tree for you! How amazing! And fun! What sweet friends you have, Terri!

  4. What a wonderful party, Terri! I love your friends and I don't even know them!!

    The bottle tree sounds like something I would like to have.

  5. What a wonderful time this looks like.

    Barb ♥

  6. I had to do a double take on the title of this post. . . your friends and YOU have the best sense of humor! That approach to your health issue is what will make you victorious!!!

    We have a person in our neighborhood who just put up a bottle tree...looks very much like yours.

    I just quickly caught up on some of your posts. . . I'm still over my head with sales. THEN I went out of town for four days....that really put me behind. Anyway, I love your Bunco group, too! What a terrific show of support. You are certainly a lucky gal to have all of those folks in your corner.

    Oh, and I loved that scarecrow cookie. You have the cutest ideas!

    Gotta get back to work.

    You've been in my thoughts and prayers, Terri.

    L, Dana

  7. Someone as awesome as you deserves equally awesome friends, and you certainly have them!

    Love ya!

  8. That is awesome!!! And I love that you have this wonderful positive outlook on the whole thing!!! Love you sista!!! Mwwaaahh! xoxo

  9. You have a great group of friends there - they are a real blessing!

    I've always wanted a bottle tree - it's so Southern! Lucky you! Can't wait to see it!


  10. So glad you have such wonderful supportive friends. I have good ones too and feel so blessed. Can't wait to see your bottle tree up and decorated. Show and tell time.



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