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My Bunco Group is the Best!

My Bunco group all wore these Tshirts to support me and my upcoming surgery. I love these gals.

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  1. What a lovely group they are.

    God bless you, Terri.

  2. Anonymous5:06 PM

    That is awesome Terri! You also have a lot of support from those of us you can't see. I am remembering you in prayer.

  3. Anonymous5:06 PM

    That is awesome Terri! You also have a lot of support from those of us you can't see. I am remembering you in prayer. That is so heart-warming to see you supported by your friends.

  4. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I would LOVE to have one of those t-shirts!!! Where did they get them?!?! TOO CUTE!!

    You have been in my prayers Ms. Terry!!!! :)

  5. Those shirts are the cutest! How sweet are your Bunco friends for their show of support?! Just goes to show how much we all care about you!

  6. How wonderful to have such a supportive group of friends in real life and online:-) You are in my prayers, dear Terri. I just love the t-shirts!! xoxo

  7. Yay Hooters! Hooray!

  8. Friends, we need them. My long time friend, Shelley, is visiting this weekend and I am so happy to get to chat away with her.

    Your friends look so friendly and fun.

    Becky K.

  9. How cool is that?
    Where can I get one of those shirts???

    I was a substitute for one of my good friend's BUNCO groups a few years ago. Then, one unfortunate night I "over-shared" after one to many Skip-And-Go-Naked drinks. I was too embarrassed to ever return:o
    The moral of the story...
    BUNCO + Erin + Alcohol = EEEEEEEEK!!!

  10. Cute photos. And the shirts are adorable! Where can I find them? I'm so glad to see the support your friends are giving you!



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