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Happy Bosses Day!

Today is Bosses Day and as usual, my teachers and staff recognized the day in a special way. There were cards and balloons and a beautiful big potted mum, which I loved. My secretaries made soup and sandwiches and had lunch for me.

However, it may appear, I know who the real bosses are. I brought in bagels today for the secretaries and custodians. I am no dummy.

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  1. It's no wonder you're so well celebrated on Bosses Day, you are such a good and thoughtful boss:-) The secretaries and custodians must have really appreciated the bagels...I would have loved a boss like you when I was working! lol xoxo

  2. So....with the background I thought you said you got a big spotted mum. And I thought, "wow, how cool, a mum with polka dots" and then I had to re-read it. Geez! But I'm glad you had such nice recognition...even if it was with a non-spotted Mum!

  3. I would love to have you for a boss if I were working in your district.
    Becky K.

  4. I bet your staff loves having you for a boss!!! They really lucked out!!! :-)

  5. You are a such a good boss! That was really sweet of you and I'm sure much appreciated!



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