My school surprised me with an assembly today to wish me speedy recovery from my breast cancer surgeries. My favorite …
The fall colors are starting to come in! It always seems like our colors come in late and stay for such a short time. …
Happy birthday to my sweet daughter who is 24 on the 24th. I know you are bittersweet about this birthday. Ashley and…
With my bottle tree!
Joey and Charlotte
Marsha and Tambra
Last night my friends Marsha, Charlotte, Joey and Tambra took me…
Aren't they cute?
Our new Buffalo Wild Wings is open. Before they opened to the public they invited some locals to come in for free food…
Today is Bosses Day and as usual, my teachers and staff recognized the day in a special way. There were cards and ball…
My Bunco group all wore these Tshirts to support me and my upcoming surgery. I love these gals.
Totally wonderful! I am always so glad we make the effort to go. This year it was just Ashley and me. We shopped til…
These look easy to make! The hat are sugar wafers and rope licorice. Candy corn nose, chocolate chip eyes, licorice s…
I really never paid much attention until now...
Bags at my local grocery store...
We had one of those wonderfully wild weekends where you do a lot of stuff and come home exhausted!
First we had my dr ap…
Just giving you all the latest news about my breast cancer treatment. I learned earlier this week that I will be havin…