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MU Football Tonight!

The Tigers are playing Nevada tonight at Nevada. The game is televised, but I am probably going to be at a High School football game. That's what Friday nights are for!

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  1. I have yet to ever go to a football game! I know, I'm sooo deprived! lol The high school behind here often has football games but I've never sat to watch them, only hear all the cheering and yelling! Hope you have a fun time at the game tonight:-) xoxo

  2. Terri, I love high school football too. Ron is working on Saturday so I will be glued to the tv watching the Florida Gators!!!!!!

    He thinks I am totally nuts! hehhe

    Barb ♥

  3. "That's what Friday nights are for".
    And that's the truth, Terri!

    Go Tigers!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Hi Terri,
    We were going to go see our local team, also the Tigers but now its raining and I think I can wait until Homecoming. Have a wonderful time at the game and so glad you came by for a visit. Cindy

  5. At least it looks like you're going to have good weather!!!
    Let me know if anything exciting happens. I always deem events that I'm chaperoning successes, if no one winds up pregnant;)

  6. I'm not a football fan, but I alway enjoyed Friday night high school football games.

    Have a wonderful weekend sweet friend.

    Thanks so much for the birthday wishes and your visits, even when I'm MIA which has been quite often lately. I can't seem to stay organizied, but that's okay...my life is full, right?


  7. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Sounds like fun - enjoy the whole weekend Terri!


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