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Go Tigers!!

Well, it was quite a day yesterday for the season opener for the Missouri Tigers! They were a six point underdog and the final score? Missouri 37, Illnois 9.

We were unable to watch the game in Boonville, so we scurried back to Columbia and watched the game at our old haunt, the Sports Zone. We had our favorite, Monster Nachos and watch the Tigers kick some Illinois butt!

I have a new favorite player, kicker Jake Harry (the IV). I cannot tell you why but I have always liked kickers who kick rugby style!

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  1. Watch it there ... Ms. Cutie! I grew up in good old Illinois and didn't appreciate quite as much as you did how the Tigers whipped the Fighting Ilini. However, I lived in MO long enough and my sister is still there that I also root for the Tigers!!!

    Hope you are feeling good and that your week is also good.

  2. Cute cute photos! I mean of you and your family, but those nachos sure do look good! LOL


  3. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Looks/sounds like a lot of fun! These Autumn days of college football are always fun. Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  4. Love the photos! I always look forward to your football posts!


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