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Fall is Around the Corner!

Flowers from Suzy Q to help me speed along my cure from breast cancer. Thank you Suzy, it's working!!

When September comes, my thoughts start to get all jumbled together in an attempt to decide if I want summer to end and fall to begin! Fall is by far my most favorite season, and Bob will tell you I have crates and crates of fall decor. Ashley was born in October and my birthday is in November, so it is a special time for us!! Not to mention Mizzou Football (go Tigers) and homecoming parades and tailgate parties and pumpkin patches, craft festivals and apple butter.

But today I decided that at least the blog was going to get a little fall on it, even if I am not ready to commit to the pumpkins, leaves, acorns and scarecrows at the house quite yet!

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  1. I've been thinking about you, and popped on to see what's new - LOVE your new background and graphics! Very fallish and cute!

    Sending hugs!

  2. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Terri, I love the fall look on your blog. I think I might start pulling my fall stuff out this weekend we shall see. I too love fall.

    Hope you are doing ok and I continue to think of you and offer prayers for you.

  3. LOVE the fall background!!! It is the most wonderful time of year!!! :-)

    So happy you are doing well dear friend! You are always in my thoughts and prayers!

  4. Isn't that Sue the sweetest thing!

    I love the new look. It sure feels like Fall.

    We pick apples at Grafton (Eckerts). They are picking Honey Crisp, right now. I hope to get some Jonathan apples, for cooking, soon!

  5. Are they real?
    Very pretty.
    I think HH would freak out if I attempted any sort of fall decorating.
    I think I have a pumpkin downstairs that I might drag out and dust off;)

  6. I am SO happy they looked so pretty Terri...I so wanted you to know how much I care and how special Ithink you truly are.
    Isn't Fall just wonderful!!


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