I am finished with my September fall decorating! I totally skipped my August decorating this year, with the f…
The Tigers are playing Nevada tonight at Nevada. The game is televised, but I am probably going to be at a High School…
Pat from
Back Porch Musings posted on Sunday that she made a big batch of vegetable soup. It sounded so good to me th…
Had another wonderful Tiger Football weekend! We decided to do a brunch. Since I had to supervise a high school footb…
Today we watched Ashley accept two fellowships from the University. Those fellowships help so much toward the expenses…
Saturday is our first tailgate party! The Mizzou Tigers play Bowling Green at 6 and while I will make the game, I will…
French cooking is complicated and time-consuming. No shortcuts are allowed here! But what a delicious outcome for a m…
Well, it was quite a day yesterday for the season opener for the Missouri Tigers! They were a six point underdog and t…
LOVED the movie Julie and Julia. In my opinion, I liked the movie better than the book! I thought the movie softened …
Flowers from Suzy Q to help me speed along my cure from breast cancer. Thank you Suzy, it's working!!
When Septembe…
My friend Judy has started a new blog called Cutest Little Things. She and her husband are marvels at taking what appe…