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Mosaic Monday

I love using Picasa for mosaics! It doesn't matter how many photos you use and you can write on them!

I am still following Vee's lead about naming what is in the mosaic. Upper left and across: homemade lemonade, homemade pea salad, the Cooksey kids on the hammock, a table runner from my aunt Patsy that I used to decorate the table, cupcakes that were labeled "perfect" by the kids, the Cooksey family-Lee, lime hamburgers ready to grill, Bob grilling lime hamburgers and another hammock scene!

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  1. Terri, your mosaic is wonderful.....love it!!


  2. Cute, Terri!

    Collages are always fun! I had a blast doing them for message boards! It's a great way to capture the essence of an event.

    Like with Blogger, it's nice that there is so much software available to make graphics and websites easy for anyone to do!

  3. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Hi Terri, What a fun mosaic! Great pictures.

  4. Oops, I lied! It let me in. Those cupcakes look scrumptious.

  5. Food and FUN... is there anything better!

  6. Picasa, huh? I think I have that loaded on my computer. I'm going to have to see if I can do this. :)


  7. Hi Terri,
    I love your mosaic! I am still trying to figure them out and I think I'm getting close.(hehe) I sure hope your having a wonderful summer and enjoying some time off from your hectic schedule! Cindy

  8. Picasa! That might become my fourth secret!


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