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At the Lake

I am at the Lake for a week long conference on reading. Although I love to learn, it is hard to give up even one day in my July vacation to work! I compensated for it by having dinner at Panera Bread where I could read my book and look at the Lake. I love the water!

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  1. Dinner at Panera Bread while reading a book sounds pretty darn nice to me!
    Hope you're able to find many more little snippets of fun while you're there.


  2. Beautiful view!

    There's something so soothing about sitting by the water. Almost makes up for having to work!

  3. If you have to work at least it is a pretty setting!!!

  4. We stop at Panera too, when we are at the lake.

    I hope you see this, before you leave for home. Just in case you don't know, there is a Tuesday Morning on the lower level next to Van Heuesen in the outlets. I've had lots of luck there.

  5. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I am going to have to eat at Panera - I keep reading good things about it!!! Lovely view for you at least.

  6. I love looking out at water too! Maybe because I'm a pisces! Panera is a favorite so to be able to combine the two would be heaven!


  7. Oh Terri,
    That lake is so beautiful! Enjoy your vacation and you deserve it! I am so glad my deer gave you a chuckle! Actually, I was hoping people would find it amusing! Hugs, Cindy

  8. Oh no, having to work during your vacation! But it sounds like you're at a nice place. Hope you find more time to enjoy the view.



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