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Tomatoes in June?

Tomatoes in June? Don't think I am such a great gardener.... our
garden has been destroyed by Japanese beetles! Caught them too
late! So this might be the only veggies we see... but thank goodness for even one!

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  1. How sad about the beetle invasion! I had planned to plant some tomatoes in pots this year but never did :-( Maybe next year.


  2. Oh that's so awful!! I'm so sorry! I was looking at my tomatoes yesterday and one had some sort of huge fuzzy looking catepillar/worm on it. I immediately made sure that was the only one! I hope your plants recover! It's just the start of summer - you could even plant a fresh crop if you want.


  3. Those nasty beetles. I am sorry they were so busy in your garden.

    Fresh homegrown tomatoes are the best!!!

    Did I ever answer your question about the Hydrangeas? It has been so crazy around here. Mikey puts
    aluminum in the soil. It comes in a powder or pellet form.

  4. Tomatoes already!?! WOW!

    Our garden is growing like crazy but it'll be a while before our tomatoes have ripened...that's okay though...they're worth the wait!

    There's nothing like garden-grown veggies and herbs and sinking your teeth into that first summer tomato!

  5. You have tomatoes already?!? Holy cow! That is great! We have such a short growing season here in New England. I think it will still be a while before I see any veggies from our garden but our tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, and squash are growing like crazy!!! And we have been enjoying our fresh herbs for a while now!!!

  6. They look wonderful, Terri.

    Sent you an email about the 3 column.


  7. Sorry to hear about the beetles Terri.

    Your tomatoes and onions look so good. If I had them,I would slice them together in a bowl. There is just something about the combination of onion and tomato! I can't believe you have tomatoes before the 4th of July!! That's great!

  8. You are so funny with your hugs and hoola hoops!

  9. I absolutely adore tomatoes. WE have some green ones on our vine if something doesn't kill them... I'm no gardener. Good for you! I've been paying fairly high prices at the farmer's market, but these are delicious... grown in Clark, MO... by Amish in greenhouses but not hothouse variety... just good ones! Yum...


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