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Our third annual Father's Day Golf Tourney!

We got up bright and early to play our annual 18 holes of golf this morning with Bob. As always, it was so much fun, even though we were chased by bees and bugs most of the morning!'

We don't get to pick our dads but Ashley was sure one lucky girl. She has a wonderful father who thinks the sun rises and sets on her smile.

Happy Father's Day!


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  1. Triplet, as dazzling as Ashley's smile is, I think it quite possible the sun DOES rise and set there! :o)

  2. how fun and wonderful to have days like these!

  3. What a wonderful tradition! Looks like everyone was having fun.


  4. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Looks like a lot of fun and a perfect day. Ashley is just beautiful. You are all very blessed to have one another. Hope your week is a good one!

  5. Looks as if you had great fun! (And it's so obvious that Ashley's dad is still smitten with her and she with him. Yup, that's a very good thing.)

  6. Very sweet! And what a fun way to spend Father's Day!

  7. What a fun day!!! :-)

  8. That's a great tradition!

  9. Wonderful post Terri! It looks like Bob had an awesome day spent with those he loves most. Happy belated father's day for Bob! Did you know that in OZ we celebrate father's day on the 2nd Sunday in September....in the autumn? Yet another interesting difference between the USA and OZ! Have a great day sweetie!
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)


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