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First Day of Summer

How did you celebrate?? Besides being Father's Day, we celebrated with root beer floats!


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  1. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Looks good Terri!

  2. Chelsea and Jonathan took a dip in our neighbor's pool. It was a bit cool for the less adventurous.

    Happy Summer!

  3. We drove over to the beach for dinner and had King Crab Legs....yummy.

    Your rootbeer float looks good.


  4. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Oh that rootbeer float looks so good. I made chocolate and strawberry shakes for the kids and they loved them.

  5. OOOHH, great idea!!! Unfortunately I only have mint chip ice cream. I guess I celebrated by putting the mint chip ice cream between a chocolate graham cracker. It was quite tasty!! Big storms up here this evening. I'm sick of the rain. Hope you are keeping cool. Did you guys ever decide what you are going to do or where you are going to take your vacation?

  6. Love floats! Now that it's summer, I've been making purple cows :)

  7. Now, THAT looks yummy!!!!

  8. It was a bit rainy here so we celebrated Dad's Day indoors, but surrounded by the love of our family, which is all that matters! :-)


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