Tomatoes in June?

Tomatoes in June?

Tomatoes in June? Don't think I am such a great gardener.... our garden has been destroyed by Japanese beetles! Ca…
Mosaic Monday

Mosaic Monday

Our local garden club hosted its annual garden tour this weekend. Ashley, Bob, Renee (Ashley's mother in law) and …
Summer Fun!

Summer Fun!

I was reading a post at Inspired Home about what plans one has for summer. Since today is the last day of summer school…
Tablescape Thursday

Tablescape Thursday

Pier One white plates and red salad plates....
Collectables from many, many years...
Coasters from a gift store and Walma…
Lazy Days of Summer

Lazy Days of Summer

I had the wonderful opportunity to read Lazy Days of Summer by Judy Young earlier this year when she came to visit my s…
Mini Makeover!

Mini Makeover!

This little lamp stands on my buffet in my dining room. I love the shape and the size but thought it was a little plain…