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It's the Last Day of School!!!

Maybe I shouldn't be so happy about it, I love my students and my teachers, but I am SO READY TO BE DONE with the year! Summer School starts next Thursday, and between now and then we have a holiday! It just plain FEELS GOOD!

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  1. Yay!!!!!!! Congrats on making it through the year!

  2. Luncky you! Why in the world didn't I chose to be a teacher! Enjoy the summer..

  3. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Enjoy your break!!

  4. Wooohooo! Bring on summer!!!

  5. I can only imagine how excited you are! Congratulations! I hope you have lots of fun things planned this summer.


  6. Summer school? Oh yucky. I am glad that you get a breather in between. Wouldn't it be great if you could have an extended summer vacation? Oh the things that you could do...

  7. Chelsea is done with her school work...the boys have a few things to finish up and then all we have left are evaluations.

    You'll be well into Summer School by then.

    Enjoy the time you have now.

  8. Terri, I would have been here sooner but couldn't get into your blog!

    Happy school being out!!!!!



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