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Garden Check In

Our garden is thriving! I am going to chart its progress throughout its growing season.

Here is our full garden. You can see the edges are spring onions. We have tomato plants: white cherry, regular cherry, Beefsteak, and a Roma. We have several cauliflower and broccoli plants plus a couple of cabbage plants and a zucchini.

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  1. Hi Terri! Thank goodness I had a blog backup...but you lose column work and widgets, basically the accessories!
    Oh heavens what an ordeal! I guess I have been through the fire...i feel a bit smoky and a lot TIRED!

    On to better things...like gardening! :)....
    Seems like you have been quite busy...NOW I have some fresh FARm litter...that will kick miracle Grows patootie...LOL

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I love seeing your vegetable garden. It makes me hungry!

  3. Love the garden. I do not have one this year. In fact I have just about let my pot plants die! I have to do better. Have a great weekend.

  4. Wow, Terri, love your garden.....so healthy looking.


  5. Eeek! I am so excited to see these pics because I think Kevin and I are gonna go for it this year and plant out own small garden!!!

  6. It's going to be fun to watch your garden grow. Has it been kinda chilly there, too?

  7. Your garden is looking so great! White cherry tomatoes? I haven't seen any of those before!



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