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Bedroom Makeover and Inspiration Photo

Remember this photo?

Remember how I said that it was going to be my inspiration for my bedroom?

So.... look at the result!

Yeah, I know. It doesn't look anything like the photo. Here's what happened. Bob and I went shopping at Kohls to shop the sales and to spend our Kohls Cash. I happened upon this set, on sale for $90 (down from $250) plus I had $20 in KC to spend. I kept looking at it and thinking.... it matches my new window treatments and my new lamps. It isn't slick (which Bob hates) and it has a reversable side (for when I get bored). So, I bought it! I am keeping the inspiration picture, though, for one never knows...

Would you like to comment?

  1. Ooooh....love!!! Fabulous new bedding!!!

  2. Well, I really like it. It looks rich and elegant.

  3. Totally the right choice!!!

    This is a wonderful look!

  4. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I love the colors and what a bargain! It's a beautiful bedroom.

  5. Terri, so glad I saw this!!!! It is lovely, just lovely!!!!!!!!!


  6. Really really pretty!


  7. Oooh... sexy!!


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