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Weekend Fun!

On Friday we attended a Mizzou baseball game with the Lewis and Clark crew. It was sooooo cold! We saw my brother in law, my sister in law, my niece Susan and her husband Kelley, Ashley and Eric at Hu Hot and visited them for awhile. Ashley, Eric Bob and I went back to Ashley and Eric's place and played double nines dominoes. Eric ended on a double which meant the rest of us had to double our score... on one hand I had 128 points! $%@#%! On Sunday Bob and I spread mulch in the front and side yard gardens (Bob more than me!) and planted some flowers for color! Wheww! We are ready for the work week to begin!

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  1. I'm not ready for the work week to begin.

  2. I'm with Ashley! Although, I worked all weekend, so I don't think my work ever ended!

  3. I'm with Ashley! Although, I worked all weekend, so I don't think my work ever ended!

  4. Sounds like you had a good weekend Terri. Busy, busy, busy!!

    We are coming to Missouri in three weeks for a wedding.


  5. The red geraniums remind me of France. :)

  6. Anonymous3:36 PM

    It feels good to get the yard ready for Spring planting, doesn't it? Can't wait to see everything in full bloom!

  7. I've never really played dominoes for points. I guess that 128 is not a good thing;)
    How are your flowers surviving in this weather????

  8. Does sound like one busy weekend with lots of fun. The plantings must look wonderful about the house. We aren't able to do that until Memorial weekend for fear of frost. Geraniums are some of my favorites for their color and hardiness and ease of care.

    Yes, back to work so you two can get some rest!

  9. OMG your planting already...We're still weeks away. Glad you had a fun weekend.

  10. Sounds like a busy, but fun, weekend! I love geraniums!

  11. I love geraniums! In Los Angeles they don't die, they just take over! Here they only last the one season, unless you take them inside. Which I do!

  12. I almost planted some flowers but I'm glad I didn't since we had a hard freeze this morning and another one is expected tomorrow. Saturday it'll be in the 70's! You never know about what kind of weather you'll have in spring in Georgia!



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