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Tablescape Thursday-Tea Parties

With all the political talk about the Tax Day Tea Parties, I thought I would just feature a beautiful setting at a tea party given by my PEO group when we celebrated our 75th anniversary. Each table featured a different teapot donated by a PEO member. The flowers were done by our members as well. We had scrumptious food, and various members brought beautiful hats and gloves for us to wear at the event. It was lovely!

Would you like to comment?

  1. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Such a lovely table. What a fun idea with the teapots and fresh flowers!

  2. Very pretty table. Yes, there certainly was a lot of talk about tea parties. I want to attend next time.

  3. Terri, this centerpiece is oh so lovely!

  4. I absolutely LOVE stargazer lilies! THIS IS BEAUTIFUL!


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