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Outdoor Wednesday

Here is a photo in front of the house of the bradford pear tree in full bloom! I love spring!

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  1. Flowering trees are so pretty. Wish they lasted longer! Your pear tree is great.

  2. BEAUTIFUL! I love home.

  3. Terri, that is soooo pretty!


  4. Oh your tree is just gorgeous. Love the new blog look.

  5. Your home is gorgeous both inside and out!!!

  6. I love Bradford Pear's. Very pretty...

  7. Hi Terri. We also have a Bradford Pear tree in front of our house. It bloomed about a month ago. It's neat that the variety grows in both of our climates. I'm glad it's not real snow on the tree for you, though.

  8. I'm having real southern envy right now. That is so pretty and your home is lovely too! I think that Missouri would be somewhere I could drive to fairly quickly and see some spring. My hubby thinks I'm crazy cause he says we would spend our whole week-end driving. Well, it was just a thought. Cindy

  9. Lovely home...I have a Bradford pear too but unfortunately they tend to snap a lot...over the past 20 years ours has been ripped in half and sheared off to the ground but a tiny sprig survived and now it's back blooming and tall..

  10. Oh my yes! Spring has definitely arrived. Look at that green, green grass!

  11. My favorite tree!


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