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Our St. Louis Weekend!

Bob and I decided to take off this weekend and go to St. Louis with just the two of us. This week I will highlight different parts of our trip. It was great experience!

On Saturday morning we headed to the Soulard Market. It is an open market that is all Agri Missouri products.

Bob bought our herbs here. We usually go to the Master Gardener Sale in late April but these pots were only $1.50 each. Can't beat that!

The meat market is an exciting place to be! We bought some bison sausage to snack on and some alligator sausage to use in a meal next week.

Part two to follow tomorrow!

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  1. Oh how I miss the fresh fruits, veggies and flowers we used to get at the villaget markets in England. Looks and sounds like you all had a grand time!
    Have a fabulous week.

  2. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Looks like a great time!

  3. Baahhh!!! You lost me at alligator sausage!!! LOL Otherwise, everything else sounds fabulous!!! :-)

  4. Terri, your pics are great. So glad you both had a wonderful time.


  5. Those fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers look fantastic. Is alligator sausage what it sounds like?

    So glad that you two had a nice, relaxing, and fun time away. It's always good to get off together, I'm sure.

  6. Ohh, can't wait for the next part. You are giving me ideas for my next trip to St. Louis.

  7. That looks like you had a wonderful time! Did you buy anything fun?

  8. Alligator sausage?? Yikes!

    Chelsea is determined that we will plant herbs this year. Yay!
    She is such the young chef at heart.

  9. Now I am totally homesick for St. Louis! I really loved living there...Soulard's was just one of those reasons...and now I am about to read your post about one of the other reasons...St. Charles!



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