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Top o' the Morning!

I hope everyone is wearing a little green today! At school the kids will pinch you if you aren't. I have a lot of shamrock stickers to pass out to those children who forgot!

We are heading to the Eagles concert tonight for our St. Patty's Day celebration! We saw them in 1978 in Kansas City when they were young and H O T. I have a feeling that they are going to be old and not so hot, but the music will live on!

Have a happy St. Patrick's Day and let me leave you with one of my favorite Irish sayings:

"May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you
In the palm of his hand."

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  1. Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! I looooove The Eagles!!! They are so fabulous live, even if they are old!!! LOL and I love that you and Bob are going to rock out to them!!! :-)

  2. Seems that we share a favorite blessing!

  3. Let us know how the concert turns out. I know a few people who are going. I just found out my mom would've like to have gone. IF I had known that earlier, I could've worked on that as an early b-day gift. I'm always a day late and a dollar short. Can't wait for your review. Oh, and PS, They may have been Hot then, but I'm sure their music stands the test of time!!! Desperado is my FAV!

  4. Hope you had a wonderful St. Patricks, Miss Terri!

  5. I hope yoiur day was a happy one and that no leprechauns created any mischief at your home or school! : )


  6. That's my favorite Irish blessing...

    Smart principal to have shamrock stickers at the ready. Otherwise, it could be a very long day!


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