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Outdoor Wednesday!

Bob and I cleaned the gardens around the house on Sunday morning after church. We saw so many signs of spring:

The tulips are up about 3 inches!
The sedums are poking their heads up.
The lilies are up at least 5 inches.
The lilies of the valley are up.
and, we cleaned out tons of creeping myrtle (a weed with a purple flower).

How about all of you?? Are you seeing some signs of Spring, too?

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  1. Yes, we are but this is Florida...hehehe.

    Lots of little sprouts sticking up all over the place. Just delightful.

  2. I wish! Every time it seems like we are it all gets covered in snow! LOL Ahhhh...New England!!! :-)

  3. Just those flowers that we saw at the Bread Basket Cafe...

  4. Isn't it marvelous?! Every day there are more spring wonders to unearth.

    Our spring-flowering bulbs are poking their way up, robins and song birds have returned, there's a flurry of nest building, and the fat, red buds on our trees are growing moreso with each passing day.

    Just glorious!

  5. Would you believe that the daffodils are up five to seven inches right through the snow? Intrepid little fellows!

    You found lots and lots of signs of spring. Soon you'll be taking photos of all your blossoms.

  6. Terri I am so jealous. Your lilies are 5"? Holy cow. I'm not that far from you and it's amazing the differences between here and there. I have training the last day of Mar and first day of Apr in JC. I'll be green with envy on the drive home if every thing is already green and blooming then!!

  7. I was feeling springy until I woke up and walked outside this morning. I hate MO weather!

  8. Bobby and I just pruned the pear tree, the butterfly bush and a climbing rose. Mom, Lucy Bocke, planted the tree for me over 20 years ago and it needed it. The lawn is greening up. We love it.

  9. Like Barb, I am in a land of practically perpetual Spring...but here in SoCal, it has been especially lovely lately....tulips, roses, hardenbergia, freesias....there ARE benefits to living here at times!

    I love the picture of the nest, Triplet!

  10. Still brown outside. I do see my strawberries leaves though!

  11. Oh so many things are up and blooming in Atlanta! Before we know it it'll be too hot to be outside!



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