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Foodie Friday

I started a blog that is our family's favorite recipes. I wanted to invite you to look at it as my contribution to Foodie Friday. I hope you enjoy reading recipes that are precious to our family. Go see other great ideas at Designs by Gollum.

Steffes Family Recipes

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  1. Is there a link??
    Happy Foodie Friday..

  2. BJ, it is right under the post.

  3. Terri, this is exciting. Definitely will check it out.


  4. Thanks for telling me where the link was. I coudln't tell either. The hummus recipe will be tried this weekend! Thanks for sharing.

  5. This is a great idea, a virtual cookbook!!

  6. That's such a good idea and a wonderful way for families to stay in touch.

  7. I don't think I can go there. It makes me feel guilty about the crap that I am serving to my family;)

  8. OOOOO, ok...I see it now...
    remember..I'M OLD !! lol...
    Thanks...I'm on my way..
    xo bj

  9. I love the idea for this blog!


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