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We have continued to fluff the house. We are putting away our shamrock green and putting out some cute easter things. As we redecorate the house, we continue to do more cleaning. The floors in the living room, master bedroom and master bath have had their cleaning and the baseboards have all been put back to order. How do two people manage to dirty up a house so much?

The dining room is getting a thorough cleaning this weekend, including floors, windows, curtains, dusting and cleaning all the china and crystal that is in the cabinets. The piano is getting cleaned and retuned. All the pictures will be taken off the walls and cleaned and rehung. The brass chandelier will come down and the brass will be cleaned, and new shades placed on the branches. It will look like a new place when it is done!

Next we will be heading upstairs. Ashley and Eric's room is getting a make over. We are in the process of looking for a black and white comforter and shams for her room. If you find something... send the info our way! We would really like bold, geometric designs.

We'll catch up in photos next week!

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  1. Sounds like good "fluff", heeheehee. I've always thought it would be so cool to have a black and white room. Make sure you do before and after pictures!!

  2. Anonymous9:34 AM

    We need to be doing that at home, too!!

    Thanks for reminding me about Tuesday Morning. I think I'll run over there, tomorrow. I didn't even know there was a store at the lake until the last time we were here. Is that the Tuesday Morning where you saw the glasses?

  3. You know that you'll have to prove all of this, don't you? ROFL!

  4. Girl you are a dynamo!!! I am tired just reading this!!! :-)

  5. Terri, you are a busy girl...makes me feel kinda like a slug. Heeheheh.

    I will catch up eventually. Right?

  6. I am trying to get in the mood, but I hear my computer calling louder to me!!!


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