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Super Bowl Sunday!

Are you getting ready to watch the big game? We have been getting our snacks ready. Eric wanted buffalo wings and Ashley wanted boneless chicken wings. Bob got homemade hummus but I added black beans to the recipe. I got baked lays and ranch dip. We are ready for some football.

My real reason for watching the game are the commercials!! My all time favorite is the one where the college boys are buying beer and toilet paper and they don't have enough money for both. So they buy the beer only. The cashier asks, paper or plastic and they both say "paper" at the same time. Hilarious. Bob's favorites are the ones with the talking baby and investing.

Have a good time everyone! Can you tell who we want to win??

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  1. My Steelers won!! Woo Hoo!! Welcome to Sixburgh, baby!

  2. Hope that you're all doing okay down there...

  3. Yay for the Steelers.

    So Sorry for you...

    Actually, I was very glad it was tight game. It is just so much fun! The Cardinals had us on the edge of our seats!

  4. Hi Terri,
    Thanks for your nice comments. The floor we put in was pre-finished. We got a great deal on it and so far it's held up pretty well ( the finish). I love the super bowl commercials too, I was rooting for AZ because my son and brother live there and of course they were the underdogs. Have a great week, Cindy

  5. Glad you all had a great time Terri!

  6. I am so sorry that your team lost! :D

  7. My team lost but the better team won yesterday .... I loved the Budweiser commercials best. And my guacamole was the best I ever made!

  8. I'm just so bummed that my team lost I almost don't want to talk about the fabulous time we had at Evil Sister's annual Superbowl Bash surrounded by STEELER FANS! OMG...okay, we had fun, it was a great game and who could argue with the outcome? Well, not us not there,not then!
    Your BOWL BASH looks pretty darned good and I love black beans anyway you fix them!

  9. haha maybe i'll try that! everyone tells me i'm missing out on wonderful foods, but i just really really love peanut butter :)

    i won't lie, though, i could go for some laughing cow cheese right now...

  10. We had great fun at our party, but it looks like yours was much more relaxing! I'm bummed our Cardinals didn't win.


  11. Dad and Eric are looking at me funny, do you think they are stunned I have a Smirnoff in my hand? I blame it on Mom, she gave it to me.

  12. I'm going to Youtube the TP commercial. It sounds like something I would love!!!


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