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Happy Birthday, Lisa!

Please go wish my friend Lisa a happy 40th birthday!

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  1. Happy birthday to her! I use to do that shoe thing sometimes too...but mainly because I dressed in the dark. One time, I put my underwear on wrong - through the leg, and not the waist...talk about miserable! :O)

  2. Forty? She's just a young'un! May her birthday be filled with fun for it is true that life just begins at 40.

  3. You betcha...will do.

  4. You have no idea how you've made my day. Thank you so very much. You are absolutely wonderful!!! I wish you could buy me a margartia too!!!! heeheehee

  5. First birthday parties are always very special. We cherish the moments of our first birthday by looking at pictures. It is really a memorable occasion to the parents and the grandparents. Planning the first birthday parties are not at all difficult if you know all about baby birthday party supplies. birthday decoration ideas for boys


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