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Favorite Photo Friday

This was taken on a family vacation to the Smoky Mountains. We had nearly everyone there, including Grandpa and Grandma. It is so fun to share an experience like that with the ones you love! And, since it is already so perfect, it doesn't matter that you had a cheap digital camera!

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  3. Beautiful! We hope to the Smoky Mountains in the next couple of years.

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  5. Anonymous6:38 AM

    This photo brings back so many happy memories of vacations we spent in the mountains. Thanks for sharing this a.m.

  6. That picture induces a contented sigh. Gorgeous! And you have all of those memories associated with it. Lovely!

  7. Terri, that is sooooo beautiful! I love the Smoky Mountains.

  8. Definitely the Smokey Mountains - they are beautiful! PAM

  9. Definitely the Smokey Mountains - they are beautiful! PAM

  10. I'd love to see the Smokies some day. I'd much rather see green mountains than snow capped ones...

  11. Hello Terri!
    Thank you for visiting and leaving such a cute comment!
    I will be back again, too!
    Happy St. Valentine's day, your banner is beautiful!

  12. Hi, Terri, on that table, I just used black Satin spray paint & I did not use any other protection on top. It won't get used that often, so it should be fine. If I was doing a kitchen table, I would defintely protect it more.

  13. That's a beautiful photo Terri!
    Have a great weekend!

  14. Delightful! I've always heard of how beautiful the Smoky Mountains are. I hope to see them for myself one day...

  15. You know, even before I got to the part of your post telling where the photo was taken...I knew in my heart...I just knew. I haven't seen those mountains in a long, long time but they leave a memory in your heart that cannot be erased. Thanks so much for sharing and for reminding me of a lovely time in my life.

  16. Wow! I must have really liked that picture considering how many comments I left for you. Not sure how that happened. I have a little something for you at my blog.

    Happy Friday!

  17. Beautiful...love the mountains! I feel a hike coming on soon! :-)Susan

  18. Beautiful picture!


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