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Book Review Sunday-People of the Book

When I was first introduced to this book at our book club, I was thinking it sounded rather dry and boring. A scholar who repairs old books... need I say more??

It starts out as us seeing the Sarajevo Haggadah, a Jewish religious book, with an antiquities restorer named Hanna Heath who is trying to repair this book that has been hidden for centuries by well meaning people trying to protect it from various people who want the book destroyed. Inside the book are various clues to where the book has been and Hanna sets out to piece together the puzzle. Ms. Brooks does a fine job of "filling in the blanks" by telling us the whole story centered around the physical evidence left in the book (blood stains, wine stains, a wing of a butterfly)

However, this book was well designed with vignettes from different time periods were well done, referring to art pieces and details from the era that were well researched by the author. The way she describes the horrors that man piles on man over and over again do not become overbearing.

Eventually the book takes a DiVinci Code twist and the love story comes together. That's all I am going to say about that.

As I love books, I became totally involved in the book's journey. I thought the book started slow but about a third of the way through the book I was hooked. I got bogged down a bit in the scientific and historical details that the author includes.

I do highly recommend this book but would caution you to stick with it for a while!

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  1. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Well you have my curiosity up now! Sounds like a unique book. I appreciate your visits to my blog and always enjoy my time here with you. Have a glorious Sunday.

  2. Sounds like a worthwhile investment of time.

    Enjoy your Sunday.

  3. Thanks for the recommendation. We're always looking for something different to read!

  4. This is the type of book that I love...thanks for the review...off to the library tomorrow!

  5. Have the book sitting in my "to read" pile - OK, I'll give it a while to whet my appetite for it! Thanks for the heads-up! PAM

  6. Thank you for the caution because, usually, a book must grab me in the first chapter or it's history...too many books; too little time. :D

  7. This sounds interesting! I've put it on my list!

  8. Anonymous5:50 PM

    My Friend,
    Chocolate and shoes chase away the blues! Go buy some.

  9. With everything else that you do, when in the world do you have time to read?
    I swear... you accomplish more in one week, than I do in an entire year;)

  10. I will put this on my to read list. Thank you!

  11. Hi Terri! You have me so intrigued!! Your description of this book has me wanting to know more and more and more!! I'm off to amazon.com to order it!! Thanks so much for the write up on it.


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