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Snow Day Aftermath

Got into school this morning and discovered that our school building did not want a snow day. The fire alarm was going off, the intercom was beeping,the phone was ringing off the hook, the circle drive was striped with ice. So, I got the alarms off, answered the answering machine (35 messages) and silenced the intercom and got our lovely custodian to throw salt on the ice stripes.

These photos were taken on my way to work. The ice in Missouri can be beautiful as well as deadly. Hope all of your are safe and warm this morning!

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  1. Hi, Terri, I had to go back & look at that pic & oh my, it looks like it says something profane doesn't it?? I don't think it did at all, although now I have no idea WHAT it said. I'll have to go back by there now to see what in the world it does say!

  2. Terri and Bob,

    What a morning you have had! But you have seen the beauty amidst the storm judging by your pictures! Your Blog is a visual delight and I'm thankful to have visited you this morning!

  3. Sounds like a Monday to me...LOL.
    Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!

  4. Terri, Goodness. That's a lot to deal with so early in the morning!

  5. I was hoping that you hadn't had pipes break in the school with that result. Glad that is natural beauty. I saw something similar on my way to York the other day and have told myself that I want to go back and get some pictures.

  6. I guess I'm safe but I'm anything but warm.

  7. Hi Terri.....WOW those pictures of the ICE are CRAZY! We don't see ANYTHING like that in Houston!

    PS: Your pasta sounds delicious...hope your hubby liked it and appreciated your "good wife skills!"

  8. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Crazy Winter weather here in NE too !!!

    I thought those were pipes at first glad they were not.

    Have a nice day,
    Kathy :)

  9. I'm actually enjoying the winter weather we're having!

    Stay warm and safe!

  10. I am enthralled with those pictures...even though I am pining for spring!

  11. You look colder then me this time!


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