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Nearing 400....

posts! I began this blog in December, 2006 to have a journal that I could write and share with my family my journey through this incredible opportunity called life. Who knew I would find so many friends here!

In celebration of friendship and blogging... I would like to have my first giveaway ever! I have chosen a few sweet Valentine momentos for your pleasure!

Here are the rules (there are always rules, aren't there!) 1. Keep watching my blog... and when I post that it is my 400th post, leave a comment here. 2. Let others know that they can get in on the fun! Leave a link at your blog to my blog and let me know. I will give you an extra entry. 3. I will also give you an extra entry if you refer someone to my blog and they mention your name. 4. Check back here to see if you have won 4 days after the event. I will "redraw" if the winner does not notify me in 24 hours with their mailing address. It's that easy!

Would you like to comment?

  1. I'll be watching... ;>

  2. OOOO Exciting! How can you tell how many posts you have??

  3. I'm joining the fun! Congrats on 400 fun and exciting entries!Hope to see at least 400 more!

  4. Super congrats! LOL Im just a baby ! lol...

    Thanks for Pink Saturday fun, glad to hear from you!

  5. Congrats on 400 post!I'll be watching....


  6. Hi there Terri! I can't even fathom 400 posts .... way to go!

  7. 400 that's fantastic. You are such a great writer I can see how it's easy for you! I love the new cupid's layout. Something about pink and brown together makes me feel all warm inside:)

  8. I'll be watching too.


  9. Your response to my question is funny and the hearts and cupids are so whimsical.....

  10. ooooh, I'll be watching!

  11. Hi Terri,
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving your nice comments. I so miss figure skating,but time to move on. Looks like we have a lot in common,I'm married to a teacher, my oldest son is a teacher and our daughters skated and were coaches. You have a lovely blog,I'll be stopping back often. Cindy

  12. Very cool! I will be watching! I can't wait!

  13. Wow - 400!! That's quite something!


  14. That is a lot of posting fun!

    Watching here....

  15. Fun Fun Fun! I love giveaways!!!

  16. 2 things I've found to be super interesting lately. Someone from NYC has a fantastic fun blog. I love to hear her new adventures. Err, read her new adventures. Oh to be young and brave again. The other is a sweet young gal who goes undercover to a spiteful little thing that puts her ever-annoying-so-called-family-member into words only someone undercover could do. It's giving me an idea for one of my own. I think it may be a great way to relieve stress!!! It's probably a good thing I go back to work soon. I just dive deeper and deeper into these awesome blogs.

  17. Sounds like fun! 400posts is huge! I'll be lucky to make half of that! Something sweet is just what baby and I need to cure these 3rd trimester blues :)

  18. Wow I keep my recipes(What small amount I have) into a binder with those plastic protectors too..it makes it so easy to just take out one recipe at a time & its protected in the plastic should their be any "table food" that happens to get on it. Its a lifesaver


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