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Unusual alignment!

The moon, Jupiter and Venus aligned themselves in an unusual way last night. Bob and I went out to observe this event that comes around once every 50 years or so. I am quite the astronomy freak... spent nights and nights watching Haley's comet, tracking the length of the tail...

Did you see this in your neck of the woods?

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  1. Why didn't you tell me about this?

  2. It has been stunning. I kept looking at it tonight as we were out around our little town. They say that in Australia it looks more like a smiley face.

    Becky K.

  3. Hubby & I were out & about for a while last night & observed the beauty. Oh, the wonder of God's creation!

  4. Dang, I missed it.
    I'm sure my neighbor (with his freakishly large telescope) caught it.

  5. Yes, and is is absolutely gorgeous. So clear too!


  6. No, but I wasn't looking! Someone didn't tell me either. ;D

    I'll look tonight.

  7. Yep, we went out to look at it the last two nights. I didn't realize I could get a photo though. Drat.


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