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Sixth picture in my sixth folder...

I was tagged by Becky to do this unusual little meme. It was to find my sixth folder and to choose the sixth picture in it and post and blog about it. Here you are!

So, this is a picture of a car window that was busted by a rock thrown by one of my custodians when he was mowing the grass at school. I touched the glass right after the picture and the whole thing fell out.

We are to tag six people to do this... and so I would like to see...

1. Jeanne's
2. Ashley's
3. EE's
4. Kat's
5. Susan's
6. and anyone else who would like to do this!

Would you like to comment?

  1. I can't believe you got a van picture too. That is crazy!

    My dear husband was sitting here when I opened my blog last night and was wondering why in the world I had posted about the van...((Chuckle)).


  2. Its early Sunday morning.... why aren't you sleeping in? LOL now I am off to feed the savage beasts.

  3. Love your blog!!!!
    I do miss the Christmas activities at school this time of year...
    I taught first grade 27 years...

  4. Hehe, I'd like to see a picture of your face as you touched the window and it fell out. That must have been a surprise.

  5. This is a cool meme! I can't wait to do it!

    WTG with the window;)


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