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The most DARLING give away!

I was visiting >Pat's blog and found out about a give away at >Catherine's blog. The darling painting above is to be given away on Sunday! Go check her blog and Pat's blog if you haven't before. Neither will disappoint!

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  1. Amen to both comments and both blogs. I think that cupcake painting is the most adorable thing!

  2. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Hi there.

    I found you while playing "Pay It Forward Friday" at An Iowa Mom. You are a featured blog.

    Come check it out and I hope you'll play along.


    Have an awesome weekend. And now I'm off to enter to win that ADORABLE painting. LOVE IT.

  3. Thanks for the link to my giveaway and you now have four chances to win!

  4. I love the Christmas Card idea!!
    I think I'm going to have to steal it:)


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