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It's Christmas Eve!

(last year's photo, with Dakota, our Westie that passed away last spring)

Now, how did THAT happen? Doesn't it seem like we were eating Thanksgiving just last week??

On Christmas Eve we have a tradition of attending our church services, then coming home to watch a Christmas movie, eat "snacks", and play a Christmas game. We have the Santa bag to open, that Santa leaves under the tree downstairs, that will have our game and our new Christmas pajamas in. We track Santa on the computer, and make calls to our family and friends.

Everyone got to choose one snack and one sweet to have on the table downstairs: I chose shrimp cocktail and sugar cookies, Ashley wants bruschetta and chocolate fondue, Eric chose quesadillas and brownies and Bob chose humus, sausage and cheese and no sweets. Quite the assortment!

I hope each of you has a wonderful day! God's blessings to all!

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  1. It all sounds wonderful to me!

    Have a wonderful Christmas eve!!

  2. Christmas blessings to you Terri & your family! Enjoy the fun!

  3. Merry Christmas. I love the sounds of the evening you have ahead of you!

  4. Yummy! May you have a wonderful Christmas!! Big Hugs from Macon!!

  5. Merry Christmas!

  6. Merry Merry Christmas Terri!!!


  7. I always love hearing about your traditions!!!
    Merry Christmas!!

  8. Sounds like such a fun evening. I wish you and your family a blessed Christmas. Love your blog and your visits... Hope to meet you someday... since you're actually in Missouri and pass by my way often! Have fun... Hope you win the game! G.

  9. Sounds like some truly, wonderful family traditions, Terri! Merry Christmas!


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