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Is there anything sweeter at Christmas than....

children singing at their school Christmas program?? Our school held theirs last night, with first grade putting on the show. The director is fabulous, keeps the programs within 30 minutes, features lots of children with singing or speaking parts and has songs for the chorus that are new and fun. This photo shows the center section of our singers. We have 80 students in the first grade this year, a smaller class than normal by at least 20 kids.

Typically I hang around and talk to kids and parents but the weather was turning bad and I have a 30 minute commute home. So I skedaddled my way back to Jefferson City.

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  1. I miss going when the girls were small to their programs. Now I am too far for the grandkids but they call and tell me all about it. Want to send some of that cold bad weather this way? Our low last night... 62F. We are breaking records by having heatwaves. LOL

  2. Skedaddled...love that word! I haven't used or heard it in awhile though. That photo is adorable. You're right, there is nothing sweeter than hearing those sweet voices singing at Christmas.

    Christmas hugs!

  3. I was very disappointed this year. Janie's school did not put on a program. Only the fifth grade class did a play. I'm very glad she is switching schools after the first of the year. See you in a couple hours!!

  4. So cute and they all look happy to be on stage. I remember those days fondly and I hope to have more school programs to attend in just a few short years.

    Hope that that program concluded your duties for at least a week!

  5. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I always loved the school programs. This is such a sweet picture.

    Thank you, Terri!

  6. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Nothing sweeter in the world....and sometimes, nothing more hysterically (and unintentionally!) funny!!!

  7. Hi Terri,
    I so miss having my boys in school programs! Loved helping out with them and watching their sweet faces perform!
    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and very Happy New Year!

  8. They look like the Von Trapps holding their hands like that;)
    Cute Cute Cute!


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