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Goodie Exchange!

Aren't these adorable!

I was down because my family couldn't do their annual cookie swap this year due to a variety of reasons but then one of my coworkers thought of doing one at school. This year I was able to participate in a goodie exchange at school! We called it a Goodie Exchange so that people could bring fudge, cookies, candies, etc... and I think I like it even better than our Cookie Exchange!

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  1. Oh so cute, Terri! I like the idea of a "goodie" exchange.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Those cookie snowmen are so cute. I especially love their earmuffs. Goodie exchange instead of cookie exchange is so much better since there are some really great candy makers around.

  3. Love it! They are so cute!

  4. Those are adorable!!

  5. Very Cute! I'm sorry we couldn't do the cookie exchange this year. I always liked doing that too. Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow. We should be leaving here around noon today. YEAH!!

  6. Are those cupcakes? Too cute and what a wonderful idea I can grab for the grands. Somebody at your school had an inspired idea!

  7. Very cute :-) I love cookie exchanges. There's just something so old fashioned about them!

    Just popping in from Melissa's Mr. Linky :-)

    Ho Ho Ho and nice to meet you!

  8. Tag - you are it!
    Check my blog.

  9. Those snowmen are adorable!

    Some things are different for our family this year too. It's hard, but sometimes things just can't be helped. The bigger our family gets, the harder it is to make things happen.

    Christmas hugs!

  10. These snow people cookies are so cute! Thanks for sharing. laurie

  11. I missed our cookies this year... we'll have to make it happen next year!


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