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Black Friday

What an experience!

Bob and I started off at Walmart. Our Walmart let people in way early so we did not have to stand in the cold. We wandered around and found what we were looking for and staked our claim. We were in "line" around 4:15. It was more like a pack. People were pushing up against the products. When 5 a.m. hit, people tore at the black plastic and started passing items out. Not Walmart people, but just regular people! I got what I wanted, went right to check out and was out of the store by 5:02, according to Bob's watch. Bob was one of the helpful people, being over 6 feet tall definitely helps.

We also went to Kohl's (long line), Kmart (even longer line), Office Depot (we watched a woman explode over not getting a computer), and Barnes and Noble. We went out to breakfast at HyVee which was fun.

Came home and I promptly took a nap but Bob went out and got all the outside decorations up! Yeah, Bob!

I was more ambitious after my nap. I got the LR and kitchen decorated. I put the tree in a new location, to be revealed on Thursday!

We ended our day with pizza and a movie. We saw Four Christmases, with Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon. Cute movie!

The Tigers play KU at 11:30 so we will settle in to watch the game on TV. They are in KC but we decided to save the money and not go to the game. GO TIGERS!

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  1. That was a very full day! Good for you!

    Becky K.

  2. You know I have to root for the hawks...even when they suck! Glad you got what you went out for....I avoided the stores all together!

  3. Wow you had a very productive day indeed! You've got me inspired, today I'll have to get moving around here :)


  4. What a day! Hope you had the most blessed Thanksgiving!! thank you so much for your sweet words!

    kari & kijsa

  5. Hi Terri, You sure had a busy day. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Can't wait to see your tree! ~Melissa :)

  6. We traveled home yesterday, so no shopping for us. The roads weren't too bad...I guess every one was shopping. LOL


  7. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Hubby and I went to see that movie!

    I laughted so much my jaws ached!!

    Love your bloggy Christmas decor!

  8. All you Black Friday shoppers amaze me. I'm so full and sleepy after turkey that I can't even think about getting out of bed before seven. Glad that you got what you wanted...I note that you're not telling. ;>

  9. Hi Terri, You are way braver than me. I always stay home on Black Friday. Ventured out today and it wasn't bad at all...guess everyone was tired from yesterday. :-) Susan

  10. Oh Terri, I couldn't face a Black Friday if I tried! I'd just as soon wait and "stumble" over a deal...I wanted to get the lights up outside but we've had to days of rain (and I promise I'm not grumbling! We need it!) so I shall wait till next weekend and lasso a couple of young men who know who they are and get it done pronto! Hope your weekend is blissful!

  11. Can you believe they won!! WOO HOOO! Seriously, I wouldn't have even known they played yesterday if it wasn't for my family coming over and turning it on. I may soon be a house divided between KU and K State! Why can't they just agree! LOL

  12. What a game. It was such a heartbreaker... I was sooo disappointed... Guess we needed to get more points the first half... Go Tigers...


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