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A Simpler Time...

One of the staff at the school where I work brought her husband's grade card from kindergarten to school today. I was so touched by the manner in which we understood that these kindergarteners were children. We seem to have forgotten this with No Child Left (with a) Behind.

and for the part I loved the best.... look at the skills mastered in kindergarten... look at the right hand side and the second one down....

(this grade card is from school year 1980-81)

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  1. Oh Girl! That gave me a good laugh!

    How times change!


  2. I'd like to know how they taught that skill.
    Or better yet... how did they evaluate it????

  3. Oh how I loved this post...wonderfully presented (tick mark)
    highly understandable (tick mark)
    pulls on the heart strings of mothers who remember when their babies were in kindergarten (tick mark) smeared by tears!

  4. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Aww Terri...this is sweet. Right down to the innocent little accomplishment row 2, 2nd down. Those were the days...and imagine, that wasn't that long ago.

  5. I love the Charlie Brown illustrations!

  6. Hi Terri,
    My oh my how things have changed in education (and the world)! When I started teaching 34 years ago things were certainly different, a much simpler time. Hope you're having a great school year! :0)

  7. How sweet. I remember our grammar school grading, G for good, S for satisfactory, N for needs improvement and U for unsatisfactory. So simple and easy.

  8. Wow, isn't that an eye opener that brings back memories? Someone nowadays would be so offended by this I bet! Too cute...

  9. Times sure have changed. I think most of those items achieved have to be marked before you start kindergarten today. Although we had conferences this week, and the handouts they gave us said something about helping your 1st grader tie their shoes. I must have an over-achiever. She's been tying her shoes since she was 3.

  10. There was a beautiful song in "Up With People" about ten years ago called, "Give the Children Back Their Childhood." That and this card say it all... too sweet for words.


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