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An Autograph! Woo Hoo!

Bob went to The Library after parent teacher conferences last night and guess who was there??? You are right (my sneaky friends!), Neal E. Boyd! Some of you might remember that Neal won America's Got Talent. He is a Missouri boy, so I naturally cheered for him all the way through. He has an amazing tenor voice which is wonderful to listen to. I am hoping he comes out with a Christmas CD. Bob says he called me and told me Neal was at The Library, but I must have been asleep when I answered the phone. I don't remember the conversation at all!

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  1. I love hearing him sing!! lucky you

  2. That is too fun!

    Becky K.

  3. I knew you must have been out of it, or you would have gone to meet him! That was a nice note he wrote to you!

  4. Now that's sad, to tired to answer the phone to go see Neal? Poor you, I mean really! At least you got his autograph!

  5. How cool that you got Neal's autograph! He has a wonderful voice.


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