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I'm a Winner!

I was the winner of the 200th post giveaway at Backporch Musings, a delightful blog written by another Missouri blogger! I wanted you to see the darling gifts she sent. First, let me tell you how beautiful the package was! She wrapped each gift in pretty tissue and then tied the tissue with satin ribbons. These ribbons were striped in greens and yellow. Lovely.

I received two books on gardening, two bookmarks, a set of notecards of Pat's photos of her roses and a delightful bird, which you cannot see in this picture because it is sitting on a lamp downstairs.

Thank you Pat! Next time you are in Jefferson City, give me a ring and we'll meet at Central Dairy!

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  1. Congratulations! You won some awesome gifts!!!

    Hope you are having a great summer!

    :0) Sharon

  2. You lucky dog, you...:)

  3. I was so thrilled you were the winner!! Wonderful gifts!



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