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Garden Harvest

I am a tomato snob.

I love tomatoes, but only if they come out of the garden, preferably in late July. Here are some late tomatoes from our garden, having been harvested just today. I am making Bob some bacon and tomato sandwiches when he finishes mowing the lawn. I just finished slicing up the cucumbers to make cukes and onions which are brining as we speak. I plan to take them to the neighborhood picnic Sunday.

I think garden produce is more evidence of God's love!

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  1. We went to a tomato festival today in East Nashville. It was neat. I will post my pictures later today. By the way I got a laptop, and I absolutely LOVE IT!

  2. That is truth!

    I have not had a BLT yet this year. I cannot believe it!

    This week!

    Becky K.

  3. mmmm...cucumbers and onions. one of my favorites. and I haven't had any tomatoes yet this year. waiting on them to come from our farm share later this week.


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