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Summer Yum

I fell in love with these cute popscicle makers from Target last week while I was shopping for hair color. Aren't they adorable?

So I decided to make some popscicles and here is the recipe I tried:

2 cans peach nectar
1/4 c water
1/4 c soy milk

Mix together and pour into molds. Freeze. Dip the molds briefly into hot water to help them release the frozen goodness!


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  1. Yummy! I remember the old tupperware ones from when I was a kid. I actually still have some in my drawer, thanks for the reminder to make popsicles this summer!

    Happy summer!


  2. I bought two sets of popsicle molds this summer and I can't wait to try them with your recipe!

  3. Anonymous4:00 PM

    The popsicle holders bring back memories!! How cute!!
    Growing up there was a family a few houses down the street and they had 8 kids!! Mrs. Monahan used to make koolaid pops..nothing fancy..just pour the koolaid into ice cube trays (I mean with 8 kids who had time to be fancy??) Those were the best darn things!!
    Enjoy your popsicles!!!

  4. I've got the Popsicle holders and am headed to get these ingredients. I am so glad I scrolled down, my kid will LOVE these!!

  5. Oooh...those sound & look so good. I'm giving Sydney the recipe!!!

  6. Oooh...those sound & look so good. I'm giving Sydney the recipe!!!


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