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Niemeier Reunion

Last Saturday was the reunion of Bob's mom's brothers and sisters and their families. Bob's mom, Irene, is the oldest of seven, I believe! It was held in Wien, Missouri, which was the former home of Steffes Store (for over 100 years) and St. Mary's of the Angels Catholic Church. Bob and I were married at this church in Wien, 31 years ago!

I don't remember this, but Irene's mother, Margaret, apparently embroidered the patches on this quilt and had it quilted by her daughter, Dianne, who passed away recently. The quilt was brought out and updated by having everyone sign it. You see Bob and Terri on this quilt and can see that Ashley Brooke was added and now, Eric Hasty!

Karen, my niece, is signing her husband's name and her newborn son, Adam's name. She also updated David's crew and added Susan's husband. So now we are complete!

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  1. What a beautiful tradition! I love that!!!

  2. What a great idea. I need to pass that info along for others to use. Thanks


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