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Jina Yoo's

Yesterday Bob, Ashley, our friend Ashley and I had lunch at a sushi restaurant in Columbia called Jina Yoo's. It was so good and so much fun. My favorite was called Lemon Drop, which is salmon, cream cheese, and other goodies with thin slices of lemon on top. Ashley is pictured with Sin City, which has crab and fried lotus root. Yummo! Do you like sushi?

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  1. Yes, I have the, uh, "pleasure" of having sushi. It is not that it is all bad, just not my thing. But Kevin's SoCal born and bred cousins drag all us East Coasties out for it when they are visiting. I can handle the rolls made with shrimp or crab because those have to be cooked. And I did once try, *gulp*, unagi, which is, ewww, eel. I tried it...that was enough! LOL :-)

    Terri, Ashley is such a beautiful girl! And your Mom...no way is she 70!!! No way!!!

  2. Yum, sushi!
    And Ashley is so pretty.

    I'm happy for you that you've adopted Truman! He's such a cutie!

  3. I'm going to have to check this place out...
    I'm the queen of sin;)

  4. Oh this sounds so good!! Now I am hungry and it is very, very late...well past my bedtime! : )
    I am trying to catch up with all my friends. I have been such a *bad* blogger of late.
    Oh! I was on Ashley's blog tonight and it looks great! I left a few comments and have her bookmarked!

    Hope you are well...: )


  5. I love sushi! LOVE IT! Looks good!

  6. I am not a sushi eater. My kids have tried it...and like it.

    Loved your horse comment yesterday.
    How terrible...you missed your opportunity for fame and fortune...
    I was bucked off a horse once so do not care to ride either.

    It is nice for Chelsea, though.

    Becky K.

  7. I love vegetarian sushi!

    And did I tell that Ashley's hair is almost identical to mine!? Love it!

  8. I LOVE sushi. My daughter and I have a regular place we go to. They know us there and they know what my "usual" is. I could live on sushi if I could afford to!

  9. I absolutely LOVE sushi! We are rolling in sushi in So. Cal.—of course not all good. But, there are some fabulous places here. Gardena has more of a Japanese community and they buy their fish ultra fresh. What a difference that makes!

    Pat Donahue of The Prairie Home Companion did a very funny rendition of Sushi-Yaki calling it "Yucky-Sushi." Although I don't share his sentiments, it is a funny song. (Here is a link to the lyric. Click on listen to hear the song. http://prairiehome.publicradio.org/programs/20000513/sushi.html

    Big Hugs, KJ

  10. Ooh, I'll take your word it's good stuff. I've only had it once. I'll stick with mexican, but I do love the pictures.


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