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Happy 2008 and the Cotton Bowl

Everyone cheer on the Missouri Tigers as they take on Arkansas in the Cotton Bowl! We are headed to Columbia to a party to help them win!

I hope 2008 started off with a bang! And remember, New Year's Resolutions don't start until tomorrow, today is a holiday!

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  1. So glad you reminded me that resolutions don't start til tomorrow! Go Tigers!!!
    Happy time today Terri,
    hugs Sandi

  2. gO Tigers. rah rah rah.... It's a long way to Tipperarree..... (sp.)

    Go Truman!1! gO Terri and Bob!!!!

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Have a great 2008!

  4. We just wanted to stop by and give you the warmest wishes of the season! Hope you have a wonderful and prosperous 2008!

    smiles, kari and kijsa

  5. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I'm totally with you in regards to resolutions not starting on the holiday. :)

  6. Happy New Year!!!!!! I hope all of your dreams come true this year! And I can't wait to see and hear all about Ashley's wedding!


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