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Bath Cocktails

Have I told you about Ashley's business adventure? Ashley makes and creates bath products and scents them like your favorite cocktail! She won a business contest this past summer and has had all kinds of community support to help her get started.

She just found out that she will be featured in the Kappa Delta newsletter that reaches thousands of Kappa Deltas and their alumni. She was thrilled.

She is featured every other month in our local Inside Columbia magazine. They are tracking her progress.

She has a blog that describes her product and how she got started. My personal favorite is the Chocolate Martini sugar scrub. Wow.Bath Cocktails

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  1. Terri..I had no idea..I popped over to her blog and that is such a neat idea...I am going to bookmark her Bath Cocktails on my favorite shops on my blog....thats a great idea for gifts!


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