Crazy School Day!

Crazy School Day!

In anticipation of a lot of snow, our school is out early today (1:00) and our place is going NUTS! We didn't tell…
Bath Cocktails

Bath Cocktails

Have I told you about Ashley's business adventure? Ashley makes and creates bath products and scents them like you…
A Cute Giveaway!

A Cute Giveaway!

Here is a giveaway you can't resist... DINNER!

Check out the site below to see what I mean! Go there fast, the gi…
A Wien Shower!

A Wien Shower!

Ashley was honored by her cousin and grandmother with a shower for her wedding. Local relatives and friends were invit…
No greater calling!

No greater calling!

My cousin Lisa and her husband Lee have started a new church in Athens, Georgia. If you live nearby, I would encourage…
Wedding Plans

Wedding Plans

Ashley and Eric are getting married in March. I really feel time tick tick ticking away and the details are starting t…
An award!

An award!

"So here's to all the blogs that you've discovered that you can't possibly live without. They make you…
Engagement Photo!

Engagement Photo!

Ashley and Eric have not had time to actually go to their photographer and have their engagement photos taken so I took…
MU Fans Royale!

MU Fans Royale!

Bob was interviewed for the local TV station and the local paper caught me in a moment of excitement when one of our pl…