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Snow (Ice) Day!

Update: We are out on Tuesday, too!

No school for Bob or me so we are taking advantage of our clean home and listening to christmas music, writing christmas cards, and making candy. Take a gander at some of the ice in our own yard!

Here is the neighbor's tree (across the street)

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  1. That's crazy! Glad you're home and safe and not driving on that mess!


  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I love it. When I lived in Louisiana we never got much snow so I learned to love the ice.Just as long as you are safe.

  3. Oh my! The ice is so lovely to look at yet so treacherous! We had a horrible ice storm here a couple of years ago. Stay inside safe and warm!


  4. Cool! (No pun intended. lol)

    Stay safe and send some of that Christmas candy my way, why don't you?

  5. Boy, that ice can really be destructive. So pretty at other times.
    Take care.

  6. Now that sounds like a wonderful day! It's nearly 80 degrees here!!

  7. Ooooh, please be careful.

    How nice an unexpected day at home can be. I always wish for a "snow day" or two...Even if we still do our lessons there is something special about not being able to go anywhere even if we wanted to.
    Becky K.

  8. It looks so beautiful but it's so dangerous as well! We've had ice storms here before and I don't wish them on anyone. Glad you're home safe and sound!! What a shame that nobody could come to Ashley's graduation party because of the weather but I'm also glad no one took the chance to drive in that. Congratulations again to the graduate:-) xox

  9. I am jealous! it was 78F here today :(

  10. The ice is so beautiful. Enjoy your days off and send me some of that candy.And I hope it is choclate. LOL Mary

  11. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Geez, between this year and last year, I think you get more snow days than I ever did growing up in New England!
    Stay cozy and come visit GLU while you are off today!

  12. It's warmer here, today! I think we might actually see some of this melt away! With the fog, the ice looks even prettier on the trees. I haven't ventured out to take a photo, though.


  13. Great photos of the ice. But hope you stayed safe during it all.

  14. That tree is CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!


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